We look forward to seeing you on August 13, 2024

The Practice Pad, 5693 Becker Road, Saginaw, MI 48601

We all have a dream let’s spread the word and champion one another.

The One DEGREE Difference

Connecting with others motivates, encourages and creates new ideas.

Everyone you meet will change your life.

Surround yourself with people up to something.

The One DEGREE Club is for

people who want to make a difference.

we are up to something…

we connect

we inspire

we champion each other

…on our journey toward our dreams.


We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Come and make some connections and see what One DEGREE is all about!

Everyone you meet shifts your life at least One DEGREE!

Dream it

We are living in a world that has changed the way we communicate with one another.

Terry Duperon started The CLASS, to encourage those around him to take the next clear step. The One DEGREE Club is our next step to support each other and grow our communities. We want you to come share your stories and surround yourself with people up to something.

Build it

In November 2022, we launched our first meeting for the One DEGREE Club. It was a hit! The buzz in the room was electric and left us all wanting more. We know you have big dreams, and we want to help you make them a reality.

That's why we created the One DEGREE Club, a place where we can all come together, network with people in the community who are up to something amazing and follow our own dreams in pursuit of our best selves.

Grow it

Spread the word! The more people involved the more opportunities there will be to champion each other and be championed ourselves. So what are you waiting for? Invest in your dream and surround yourself with people up to something.

“To my delight, One DEGREE has been like a lifeline for my nonprofit, Kids Rule Now!

There’s so much value in what it offers; months later, the resulting contacts and business relationships I made from my first event are creating even more momentum. The events are fun too because they’re informal and creative but full of impact.  I didn’t know what to expect when I went for the first time and since then it’s been a nonstop journey of new connections, opportunities and friendships.

But, you should come and check it out for yourself. One DEGREE has been a great experience and a blessing!”

— Rhonda Webb

Owner of Kids Rule Now, INC.

Four-time graduate of THE CLASS, DARE TO DREAM leader and One DEGREE member.